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Leading photography in the Vale of Evesham
Bygone vs Modern Photography - W. Midlands & The Cotswolds
This is a non-commercial research project - all images are subject to copyright and are accredited to the original author
This is an on-going research project for academic purposes only (Alex Miller's MA, in Photography)
This assignment is academic, non-commercial and the images are for non-public view or share. The URL is currently un-listed.
UK copyright law permits me (Alex Miller) to 'quote' other people's images, provided that they are relevant to my assignment (i.e. not just used for decorative purposes), and that I have used no more than is required for my specific purpose.
Most 'modern' images shown were taken by Alex Miller

Part 1: Broadway, Evesham & Pershore (Northern Cotswolds)
This is a non-commercial research project - all images are subject to copyright and are accredited to the original author

Part 2: Stratford Upon Avon
This is a non-commercial research project - all images are subject to copyright and are accredited to the original author
Part 3: Lapworth & Kenilworth
This is a non-commercial research project - all images are subject to copyright and are accredited to the original author

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